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Connection is a Basic Need

Feeling connected with other people is a basic human need.  According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, it comes just above the need to feel safe, which means that it is the next most important need after feeling safe.  It also

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Red buckets hanging from hooks

Parents can feel sensory overwhelmed too.

We often talk about a child having sensory meltdowns or feeling sensory overwhelmed. Each of us as humans experiences the world through our sensory system.  These signals come from the things we touch, see, smell, hear or taste. They also

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The Easiest Valentine’s Gift

Valentine’s day is awarded as the day that we spend showing people that we care. The stores package gifts with hearts, goodies, jewelry, stuffed animals and so much more. Do you know what many kids crave, is the easiest give

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Child lying in bed with head down next to alarm clock.

Why does my child wake up grumpy in the morning?

This is a common complaint of parents. Me included.  I asked myself this question a few years ago and the answers I found out when I researched it changed everything.  Here is what I found out and what has worked

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Child sitting at table lookin at a plate of apples with a disgusting look

My Child Won’t Eat That!!!

There are many children and adults alike that have very strong preferences for food. Why do we have preferences? Why do some children like some foods and not others? The food that we eat needs to be processed by many

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Dad sitting with child, his hand is on her knee, she is looking down and sad..

Getting Back in the Groove

This year’s transition back to school feels harder than ever before.  There is a lot more uncertainty, anxiety, and fear mixed with excitement and anticipation.  These emotions can be challenging for kids who switch quickly between being excited and scared

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Child sitting crossed leg on the floor looking up at the sky screaming

Finding Calm Amongst the Chaos

Life can be overwhelming for everyone right now. As adults, we find ways to take a break and remove ourselves from the situation that are chaotic. For kids, they need help to learn how to build the skills to find

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Child wearing mask

It’s just not the same

Returning to school this fall has been welcomed by many as a return to some normalcy. A return to some routines, schedules and reminders of what life used to be like. What we need to remember is that it is

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About Sabrina

Occupational Therapist, Mom of 4 and Founder of Enabling Adaptations. Bringing practical advice to parents that can help in those everyday situations. Building connection, and communicating effectively with your unique child to help them reach their greatest potential is my number one goal.

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